
The dairy aisle has become a hub of creativity and variety


Innovation in the dairy product aisle of British supermarkets has been on the rise in recent years. With the increasing demand for convenient and healthy snacks, there has been a surge in new products and packaging designs in the dairy section, particularly in the on-the-go and snacking categories.

One of the most significant trends in the dairy aisle is the introduction of alternative dairy products. These include plant-based milk, cheese, and yoghurt products, which have become increasingly popular due to health and environmental concerns. As a result, many British supermarkets now offer various plant-based options, including soy, almond, and coconut milk, as well as vegan cheese and yoghurt.

In addition to plant-based products, there has been an increase in functional dairy products designed to provide added health benefits. For example, many yoghurts now contain probiotics, beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health. Some yoghurts also contain added protein, making them popular among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.

Regarding packaging, many dairy products are now available in convenient single-serve containers, making them ideal for on-the-go snacking. Yoghurts, in particular, are often sold in small pots with a spoon attached to the lid, making them easy to eat while out and about. A variety of cheese snacks are also available, such as Cheestrings, Cheeshapes and cheese cubes, which are packaged in small, portable bags and are perfect for snacking on the go.

Another trend in the dairy aisle is the introduction of innovative flavour combinations. Brands constantly experiment with new flavours and ingredients, such as fruit, nuts, and spices, to create unique and exciting products. For example, some yoghurt brands now offer exciting flavours combinations like apple and cinnamon or lemon and ginger, while cheese brands offer products with added herbs and spices.

One of the most significant innovations in the dairy aisle is the development of dairy-free cheese alternatives. These products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of cheese while being completely plant-based. Brands now offer dairy-free cheese products, including slices, shreds, and blocks, making it easier than ever for people to enjoy cheese without consuming dairy.

In conclusion, innovation in the dairy product aisle of British supermarkets has resulted in a wide range of products catering to different consumers’ needs and preferences. The dairy aisle has become a hub of creativity and variety, from plant-based alternatives to functional dairy products and innovative flavours. With the growing demand for on-the-go and snacking options, this trend will likely continue in the years to come as brands strive to meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Take a look at how we’ve helped Kerry Foods brand Cheestrings innovate with the on-going development of Strings & Things. Helping to bring fun and innovation to the diary aisle.

Wow Me a great partner for Brand Innovation

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